

Accepted/In press uitklapper, klik om te openen

Gemist acuut coronair syndroom bij triage op de huisartsenpost.
Erkelens, C., Rutten, F., Wouters, L., Kirkels, H., Poldervaart, J., de Groot, E., Damoiseaux, R. A. M. J., Hoes, A. W., & Zwart, D. L. M.
(Accepted/In press).Huisarts en Wetenschap 

COVID-19-isolatiespreekuren tijdens de ‘eerste golf’: Een beschrijving van de patiënten.
van Royen, F., Geersing, G. J., van Doorn, S., van Smeden, M., Rutten, F., & Lambermon, E.
(Accepted/In press). Huisarts en Wetenschap. 

Disease management with home telemonitoring aimed at substitution of usual care in the Netherlands: Post-hoc analyses of the e-Vita HF study.
Brons, M., Rutten, F. H., Zuithoff, N. P. A., Oerlemans, M. I. F. J., Asselbergs, F. W., & Koudstaal, S.
(Accepted/In press). Journal of Cardiology. 

Bacterial agents in vulvovaginitis and vaginal discharge: a 10-year retrospective study in the Netherlands.
Bruins, M. J., dos Santos, C. O., Damoiseaux, R. A. M. J., & Ruijs, G. J. H. M. (Accepted/In press).
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. 

Bidirectional learning opportunities: How GP-supervisors and trainees exchange knowledge.
Welink, L. S., van Charldorp, T. C., Di Colandrea, L., Bartelink, M. L. L., Pype, P., Damoiseaux, R. A. M. J., & de Groot, E.
(Accepted/In press). Medical Education. 

Published uitklapper, klik om te openen

Implementation of Complex Interventions: Lessons Learned From the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Transitional Care Portfolio.
Gesell, S. B., Prvu Bettger, J., Lawrence, R. H., Li, J., Hoffman, J., Lutz, B. J., Grudzen, C., Johnson, A. M., Krishnan, J. A., Hsu, L. L., Zwart, D., Williams, M. V., & Schnipper, J. L. (2021). Medical care.

Call Characteristics of Patients Suspected of Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) or Stroke During Out-of-Hours Service: A Comparison Between Men and Women
Exalto, L. G., van Doorn, S., Erkelens, D. C. A., Smit, K., Rutten, F. H., Kappelle, L. J., & Zwart, D. L. M. (2021) Frontiers in Neurology.

How Do Care Transitions Work? Unraveling the Working Mechanisms of Care Transition Interventions.
Zwart, D. L. M., Schnipper, J. L., Vermond, D., & Bates, D. W. (2021). Medical care.

Nu thuismeting van zuurstofsaturatie ineens reguliere huisartsenzorg lijkt te zijn.
Zwart, D., Venekamp, R., Smit, K., Geersing, G. J., Kalkman, C., & Rutten, F. (2021).
Huisarts en Wetenschap.

Sneller een ambulance bij thoracale klachten ’s nachts
Wouters, L., Zwart, D., Erkelens, C., Cheung, N., de Groot, E., Damoiseaux, R., Hoes, A. W., & Rutten, F. H. (2021). Huisarts en Wetenschap.

Gender-stratified analyses of symptoms associated with acute coronary syndrome in telephone triage: A cross-sectional study.
Wouters, L. T. C. M., Zwart, D. L. M., Erkelens, D. C. A., De Groot, E., Van Smeden, M., Hoes, A. W., Damoiseaux, R. A. M. J., & Rutten, F. H. (2021). BMJ Open.

Treatment decision-making and the added value of the general practitioner: A qualitative exploration of cancer patients' perspectives.
Noteboom, E. A., Vervoort, S. C. J. M., May, A. M., van Dorst, E. B. L., van Lindert, A. S. R., van Elst, M. W., Bijlsma, R. M., van der Wall, E., de Wit, N. J., & Helsper, C. W. (2021). European Journal of Cancer Care.

Alternatieven voor het screenen van kwetsbare ouderen.
Numans, M., & de Wit, N. (2021). Huisarts en Wetenschap.

Effects of a time out consultation with the general practitioner on cancer treatment decision-making: a randomised controlled trial: Time out with the general practitioner and cancer treatment decision.
Perfors, I. A. A., Noteboom, E. A., de Wit, N. J., van der Wall, E., Visserman, E. A., van Dalen, T., Verhagen, M. A. M. T., Witkamp, A. J., Koelemij, R., Flinterman, A. E., van Dorst, E. B. L., Pruissen-Peeters, K. A. B. M., Moons, L. M. G., Schramel, F. M. N. H., van Rens, M. T. M., Ernst, M. F., May, A. M., & Helsper, C. W. (2021).Psycho-Oncology. 

Toekomst voor programmatische cardiometabole preventie?
Stol, D., Badenbroek, I., Hollander, M., Nielen, M., de Wit, N., & Schellevis, F. (2021). Huisarts en Wetenschap.

Therapeutic inertia in the management of hypertension in primary care.
Ali, D. H., Kiliç, B., Hart, H. E., Bots, M. L., Biermans, M. C. J., Spiering, W., Rutten, F. H., & Hollander, M. (2021). Journal of Hypertension.

Persistent Symptoms and Health Needs of Women and Men With Non-Obstructed Coronary Arteries in the Years Following Coronary Angiography.
Groepenhoff, F., Eikendal, A. L. M., Rittersma, Z. H. S., Gijsberts, C. M., Asselbergs, F. W., Hoefer, I. E., Pasterkamp, G., Rutten, F. H., Onland-Moret, N. C., & Den Ruijter, H. M. (2021). Frontiers in cardiovascular medicine.

Onderzoek van medisch onderwijs onmisbaar voor goede opleiding.
Damoiseaux, R., Kramer, A., & Scherpbier, N. (2021).
Huisarts en Wetenschap.

De huisartsopleiding in een Europees perspectief.
Damoiseaux, R., Michels, N., & Scherpbier, N. (2021).
Huisarts en Wetenschap.

Een academische houding moet je leren.
Muris, J., & Damoiseaux, R. (2021).
Huisarts en Wetenschap.

Prevalence and Antimicrobial Resistance of Bacteria in Children With Acute Otitis Media and Ear Discharge: A Systematic Review.
Hullegie, S., Venekamp, R. P., van Dongen, T. M. A., Hay, A. D., Moore, M. V., Little, P., Schilder, A. G. M., & Damoiseaux, R. A. M. J. (2021). The Pediatric infectious disease journal.

Incidence and management of acute otitis media in adults: a primary care-based cohort study.
Rijk, M. H., Hullegie, S., Schilder, A. G. M., Kortekaas, M. F., Damoiseaux, R. A. M. J., Verheij, T. J. M., & Venekamp, R. P. (2021). Family Practice.

Learning Conversations with Trainees: An Undervalued but Useful EBM Learning Opportunity for Clinical Supervisors.
Welink, L. S., de Groot, E., Bartelink, M. L. E. L., Van Roy, K., Damoiseaux, R. A. M. J., & Pype, P. (2021) Teaching and Learning in Medicine.

Diagnostic accuracy of rapid antigen tests in asymptomatic and presymptomatic close contacts of individuals with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection: cross sectional study.
Schuit, E., Veldhuijzen, I. K., Venekamp, R. P., van den Bijllaardt, W., Pas, S. D., Lodder, E. B., Molenkamp, R., GeurtsvanKessel, C. H., Velzing, J., Huisman, R. C., Brouwer, L., Boelsums, T. L., Sips, G. J., Benschop, K. S. M., Hooft, L., van de Wijgert, J. H. H. M., van den Hof, S., & Moons, K. G. M. (2021). BMJ Open.

Identifying adults with acute rhinosinusitis in primary care that benefit most from antibiotics: protocol of an individual patient data meta-analysis using multivariable risk prediction modelling.
Venekamp, R. P., Hoogland, J., van Smeden, M., Rovers, M. M., De Sutter, A. I., Merenstein, D., van Essen, G. A., Kaiser, L., Liira, H., Little, P., Bucher, H. C., & Reitsma, J. B. (2021). BMJ Open.

Anxiety in Hospice Inpatients With Advanced Cancer, From the Perspective of Their Informal Caregivers: A Qualitative Study.
Duijn, J. M., Zweers, D., Kars, M. C., de Graeff, A., & Teunissen, S. C. C. M. (2021).
Journal of hospice and palliative nursing : JHPN : the official journal of the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association.

A systematic review of classifications systems to determine complexity of patient care needs in palliative care.
Grant, M., de Graaf, E., & Teunissen, S. (2021). Palliative Medicine.

Use of a Symptom Diary on Oncology Wards: Effect on Symptom Management and Recommendations for Implementation.
IJzerman-Korevaar, M., de Graeff, A., Heijckmann, S., Zweers, D., Vos, B. H., Hirdes, M., Witteveen, P. O., & Teunissen, S. C. C. M. (2021). Cancer Nursing.

Toward a socio-spiritual approach? A mixed-methods systematic review on the social and spiritual needs of patients in the palliative phase of their illness.
Lormans, T., de Graaf, E., van de Geer, J., van der Baan, F., Leget, C., & Teunissen, S. (2021).Palliative Medicine.  

Daily life participation in childhood chronic disease: A qualitative study on the child's and parent's perspective.
Nap-Van Der Vlist, M. M., Berkelbach Van Der Sprenkel, E. E., Nijhof, L. N., Grootenhuis, M. A., Van Der Ent, C. K., Swart, J. F., Van Royen-Kerkhof, A., Van Grotel, M., Van De Putte, E. M., Nijhof, S. L., & Kars, M. C. (2021). BMJ paediatrics open.

Unraveling patients' readiness in advance care planning conversations: a qualitative study as part of the ACTION Study.
Zwakman, M., Milota, M. M., Jabbarian, L. J., Korfage, I. J., Rietjens, J. A. C., van Delden, J. J. M., & Kars, M. C. (2021). Supportive Care in Cancer.

Advance care planning for adolescents with cancer and their parents: study protocol of the BOOST pACP multi-centre randomised controlled trial and process evaluation.
van Driessche, A., De Vleminck, A., Gilissen, J., Kars, M. C., van der Werff Ten Bosch, J., Deliens, L., Cohen, J., & Beernaert, K. (2021). BMC Pediatrics.

Parents' perspectives on nusinersen treatment for children with spinal muscular atrophy.
van Kruijsbergen, M., Schröder, C. D., Ketelaar, M., van der Pol, W. L., Cuppen, I., van der Geest, A., Asselman, F-L., Fischer, M. J., Visser-Meily, J. M. A., & Kars, M. C. (2021). Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology.

Direct and Indirect Costs of Influenza-Like Illness Treated with and Without Oseltamivir in 15 European Countries: A Descriptive Analysis Alongside the Randomised Controlled ALIC4E Trial.
Li, X., Bilcke, J., van der Velden, A. W., Bongard, E., Bruyndonckx, R., Sundvall, P. D., Harbin, N. J., Coenen, S., Francis, N., Bruno, P., Garcia-Sangenis, A., Glinz, D., Kosiek, K., Mikó-Pauer, R., Radzeviciene Jurgute, R., Seifert, B., Tsakountakis, N., Aabenhus, R., Butler, C. C., & Beutels, P. (2021). Clinical Drug Investigation.

Primary care for patients with respiratory tract infection before and early on in the COVID-19 pandemic: an observational study in 16 European countries.
van der Velden, A. W., Bax, E. A., Bongard, E., Munck Aabenhus, R., Anastasaki, M., Anthierens, S., Balan, A., Böhmer, F., Bruno, P., Chlabicz, S., Coenen, S., Colliers, A., Emmerich, S., Garcia-Sangenis, A., Ghazaryan, H., van der Linde, S. R., Malania, L., Pauer, J., Tomacinschii, A., ... Butler, C. C. (2021). BMJ Open.

Effects of 13-valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccination of adults on lower respiratory tract infections and antibiotic use in primary care: secondary analysis of a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled study.
van Werkhoven, C. H., Bolkenbaas, M., Huijts, S. M., Verheij, T. J. M., & Bonten, M. J. M. (2021 Clinical Microbiology and Infection.

Transformation of primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic: Experiences of healthcare professionals in eight European countries.
Wanat, M., Hoste, M., Gobat, N., Anastasaki, M., Böhmer, F., Chlabicz, S., Colliers, A., Farrell, K., Karkana, M. N., Kinsman, J., Lionis, C., Marcinowicz, L., Reinhardt, K., Skoglund, I., Sundvall, P. D., Vellinga, A., Verheij, T. J. M., Goossens, H., Butler, C. C., ... Tonkin-Crine, S. (2021). 

A Simplified Decision Rule to Rule Out Deep Vein Thrombosis Using Clinical Assessment And D-dimer.
Xu, K., de Wit, K., Geersing, G-J., Takada, T., Schutgens, R., Elf, J., Kearon, C., & Parpia, S. (2021).
Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH.

E-pub ahead of print uitklapper, klik om te openen

Clinical pharmacists in Dutch general practice: an integrated care model to provide optimal pharmaceutical care.Hazen, A., Sloeserwij, V., Pouls, B., Leendertse, A., de Gier, H., Bouvy, M., de Wit, N., & Zwart, D. (2021).
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 

Dealing with Discontinuity in Cancer Care Trajectories: Patients’ Solutions.
Vermond, D., el Habhoubi, S., de Groot, E., Bronkhorst, L., de Wit, N., & Zwart, D. (2021). Patient. 

Patients' preferred and perceived level of involvement in decision making for cancer treatment: a systematic review.
Noteboom, E. A., May, A. M., van der Wall, E., de Wit, N. J., & Helsper, C. W. (2021). Psycho-Oncology. 

Reducing vitamin test ordering in primary care; the effectiveness of professional and patient oriented strategies in a Cluster randomized Intervention Study.
Vugt, S. V., de Schepper, E., van Delft, S., Zuithoff, N., de Wit, N., & Bindels, P. (2021).
BJGP Open. 

Cancer suspicion, referral to cancer patient pathway and primary care interval: a survey and register study exploring 10 different types of abdominal cancer.
Jessen, N. H., Jensen, H., Helsper, C. W., Falborg, A. Z., Glerup, H., Gronbaek, H., & Vedsted, P. (2021). Family Practice. 

The evidence for pharmacist care in outpatients with heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Schumacher, P. M., Becker, N., Tsuyuki, R. T., Griese-Mammen, N., Koshman, S. L., McDonald, M. A., Bouvy, M., Rutten, F. H., Laufs, U., Böhm, M., & Schulz, M. (2021). ESC heart failure. 

Educational strategies to enhance EBM teaching and learning in the workplace: A focus group study.
Welink, L., De Groot, E., Damoiseaux, R., & Bartelink, M. L. (2021).
BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine.

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