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One third of people who have had cancer suffer from fear of the disease returning. This can lead to a serious restriction of daily life and unwanted use of care. Fortunately, effective treatments exist for managing and reducing fear of cancer recurrence.

The Helen Dowling Institute CAREST study found that these online treatments are only effective when supervised by a counselor. In cancer care, the general practitioner and mental health practice nurse (POH-GGZ) play an increasingly important role. However, they are often not familiar with the treatment options and are not always trained to manage the specific fear of cancer recurrence.

Target uitklapper, klik om te openen

The BLANKET study investigates whether counseling from general practice can help patients with fear of cancer recurrence.

Method uitklapper, klik om te openen

The research project consists of a randomized controlled trial (RCT) in which both quantitative (in figures) and qualitative (with interviews) are evaluated.

People who have had cancer in the past and now have concerns that it could come back can participate in the study. They will receive counseling with their concerns from a counselor, follow an online program and complete questionnaires.

Participating parties uitklapper, klik om te openen

The research is carried out by the Helen Dowling Institute in collaboration with the general practice department of the Julius Center, UMC Utrecht.

Principal Investigators uitklapper, klik om te openen

Drs. Yvonne Luigjes, Helen Dowling Institute
Prof. Marije van der Lee, Helen Dowling Institute
Dr. Charles Helsper, Julius Center, UMC Utrecht
Prof. dr. Niek de Wit, Julius Center, UMC Utrecht

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For more information or to register, please contact Yvonne Luigjes: or
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