DUTCH-AF is a nationwide, prospective registration of patients with atrial fibrillation and/or atrial flutter, hereafter referred to as AF. The study is an initiative of general practitioners, cardiologists and vascular internists in which patients with newly discovered AF are registered and followed for clinical endpoints. The registration also offers the possibility to call up these patients in the future for a follow-up study, so-called registry-based trials.
Goal uitklapper, klik om te openen
The goal is to improve the quality of care for patients with AF in the Netherlands. Insight into therapy compliance and risk factors for bleeding is limited, especially for the frail elderly AF patient who is primarily treated by the general practitioner. Participation of general practitioners, and their AF patients, is therefore essential. Information on stroke prevention, bleeding and anticoagulant therapy are recorded. Aspects that play a role in therapy compliance will be investigated.
The study was subsidized by ZonMw, without the involvement of the pharmaceutical industry. The study is being conducted in the first, second and third lines. The aim is to include at least 6000 patients with newly discovered atrial fibrillation. A contribution by general practitioners is of great importance and is supported by the Dutch Society of General Practitioners.
Information for general practitioners uitklapper, klik om te openen
Finding and approaching patients
Do you, as participating physician, want to enroll patients in the study? To do this, you will need to find out once and for all who has been diagnosed with AF in the last six months. You will then approach these patients, briefly explain the study and ask for permission so that the research team can contact you. If, after this one-time action, you still include a patient with newly diagnosed AF, we would greatly appreciate it.
Patient registration
You can register a patient with us via secure e-mail (Zorgmail) to dutch-af@umcutrecht.nl, via Siilo (a message addressed to the coordinating researcher, see contact details) or by fax. Download the fax form.
Follow-up after application
The research team of DUTCH-AF will contact the patient for further explanation of the study. They will ask the patient for written permission to participate. Once the signed consent form arrives at the UMC Utrecht, you will be sent a short questionnaire with questions about your history, type of AF, treatment of AF, kidney function, and weight. You can download the sample questionnaire here. You can send or fax the questionnaire in the return envelope provided.
After 12 and after 24 months the follow-up will take place. Information about the occurrence of stroke, bleeding, and any changes in anticoagulants, among other things, will be recorded.
The investigators carry out the follow-up. If there is any uncertainty about the occurrence of a possible event, correspondence may be requested.
For each patient you register with us and for whom you complete a questionnaire, you will be reimbursed €30 including VAT. In addition to the questionnaire, you will receive an invoice which you must complete in order to claim reimbursement.
Which patients can participate? uitklapper, klik om te openen
Inclusion criteria
- Patients with recently diagnosed (< 6 months) atrial fibrillation and/or atrial flutter
- Age > 18 years
Exclusion criteria
- Mechanical heart valve or moderate/serious mitral stenosis ("valvular AF")
- Life expectancy < 6 months
- AF de novo during 14 days after cardiothoracic surgery
What does participation mean for your patient? uitklapper, klik om te openen
- Your patient will be called by an investigator about the study and given an explanation. If the patient is interested, the trial information will be sent to the patient. If the patient participates, he/she signs the consent form.
- After 12 and after 24 months, your patient will be called for follow-up. They will be asked about endpoints such as stroke and bleeding, and medication changes.
- Your patient will be asked to complete a compliance questionnaire once. This questionnaire survey is optional; the patient can indicate on the consent form whether or not to participate.
- Your patient may be approached in the future for follow-up studies.
Attachments uitklapper, klik om te openen
- Fax message for patient enrollment
- Sample Baseline Questionnaire
Contact details uitklapper, klik om te openen
Research Team Primary Care
- Prof. F.H. Rutten, general practitioner and researcher Julius Center
- Dr. G.J. Geersing, general practitioner and researcher Julius Center
- E.M. Trinks-Roerdink, AIOTHO (physician in training for general practitioner and researcher)
Coordinating researcher primary care
- E.M. Trinks-Roerdink, AIOTHO (physician in training for general practitioner and researcher)
- P.M. van Eden, research coordinator
- Phone number: 088-7568333
- Fax number: 088-7568099
- E-mail address: dutch-af@umcutrecht.nl