Julius General Practitioners Network
The Julius GP Network (JHN) is an intensive collaboration between the Julius Center and the network's GP practices. It has been in existence for more than twenty years and is a large network of approximately seventy general practices with two hundred general practitioners and more than 450,000 patients in the vicinity of UMC Utrecht.
In the JHN database we collect all registered data from affiliated general practices for scientific research. This concerns coded data such as ICPC codes (symptoms and diagnoses), ATC codes (medication), diagnostic tests (laboratory and blood pressure), but also open text fields, so-called SOEP data.
In addition to the above-mentioned routinely collected data, additional data is collected at five general practices of the Julius Leidsche Rijn Health Centers as part of the Leidsche Rijn Health Project (LRGP). Participants of LRGP receive a medical check-up, the Individual Health Profile (IGP), which consists of a physical examination, blood test and completing a questionnaire. The IGP will be supplemented in subsequent years with information from the medical file. For more information about the LRGP, please visit the LRGP website.
Our goal is more than publishing research results. We want to use research to promote the innovation and quality of primary care. Our special task allows us to serve as a catalyst for innovation projects.
Intercity Network
The JHN works closely with four other UMCs from Maastricht (MUMC), Amsterdam (VUmc and AMC) and Groningen (UMCG). The aim of this collaboration is to work together on the further development of the data (base) infrastructure, quality assurance and data exploitation. The various data from the databases are not linked, but it is easy to exchange data for targeted research questions because the data infrastructure is the same and there is a collaboration agreement. This offers researchers the opportunity to use a large amount of data from approximately 1 million patients, making "big data" research more possible.
Collaboration general practitioner folder, click to open
When a GP wants to participate in the JHN to contribute to scientific research, he concludes a contract. In addition, the JHN has a contract with the umbrella organization of various GP practices. All network members can be represented by one of the affiliated umbrella organizations in the JHN steering group. Read more.
Collaboration between hospitals and municipal
In the context of the ZOUT research project, the JHN works closely with the UMC Utrecht, the Antonius Hospital and the Diakonessenhuis in Utrecht. In the context of the project "Wijkdata Wijkdoen" we are working together with the municipality of Utrecht. The JHN also works closely together on the UCC - Cardiovascular disease risk profile project at the GP and in the hospital. Read more about these collaborations.
Research requests
The data in the JHN database is available to researchers. Researchers can submit an application for research via a Research Project Application Form to the JHN steering committee. Read more
Current research application
Click here for an overview of current research applications JHN.
Results JHN Research
Click here for the results of using JHN data.
Cost research
A one-off data delivery costs, depending on the number of hours, a few thousand euros for data and data management. Are you dealing with larger, long-term projects with multiple data deliveries (follow-up) or in which approach to patients plays a role? Then the infrastructure contribution comes to approximately € 10,000 per year.
Run Research
If the steering group has given JHN approval for the use of data, each project will be assigned a contact person from the steering group. This contact person:
* follows developments with the data,
* is if possible a member of the project group,
* is actively involved in the publications based on network data by the applicants,
* can intervene on behalf of the steering group if the quality of the output is at stake,
* has co-publication right.
Researchers are working towards a scientific publication describing the JHN database. The steering group expects a short Dutch summary upon publication that will inform general practitioners about data use and its results.
The JHN is responsible for the careful and responsible use of data from general practices. We handle and store data in a secure manner, ensure that it cannot be traced back to persons and is not used improperly. We hereby comply with the General Data Protection Regulation. Privacy
List of publications
View and read all publications of the Julius Huisartsen Network.
Daily board and contact
The daily management consists of:
Monika Hollander
Responsible and responsible for contact with GPs and external partners.
Charlotte Onland-Moret
Responsible for ensuring the methodological quality of the research and contact with researchers.
Nicole Boekema-Bakker
Responsible for data management and processing of research applications.
Wilma Dubbink
Responsible for JHN project management.
Ivanka van Vliet-Roubos
Responsible for secretarial duties.
Steering group
Michiel Bots, epidemiologist
Frans Rutten, general practitioner
Gerard Daggelders (GP) representative of Unicum
Nathalie van Rijn (GP) representative of LRJG
Irene Groenewegen (GP) representative of HUS
Steering group meetings 2021
Deadline for submitting applications before 12:00 noon: 19 February
Deadline for submitting applications before 12:00 noon: 25 March
Deadline for submitting applications before 12 noon: April 30
Deadline for submitting applications before 12:00 noon: 10 June
August, subject to the summer holidays
Deadline for submitting applications before 12:00 noon: 22 July
Deadline for submitting applications before 12:00 noon: 19 August
Deadline for submission of applications before 12:00: 30 September
Deadline for submitting applications before 12:00 noon: 11 November