
Structure of the program

The general practice training program lasts three years and has a dual character. For one day a week, you have theoretical education and in-house training. The lecturers are enthusiastic general practitioners and behavioral scientists who are also active in their own practice. The rest of the week you work in a training practice under the supervision and coaching of experienced general practitioner trainers. These role models teach you how to use your knowledge, skills, and insights as effectively as possible in your work as a general practitioner.

Year 1 uitklapper, klik om te openen

  • General practice internship
  • One day of training at the institute a week
  • 2-week introductory period
  • Emphasis on medical knowledge and skills, holding consultations and professionalism
  • STARtclass I: national training in emergency care
  • Fixed group

Year 2 uitklapper, klik om te openen

  • Six-month hospital internship
  • Three-month internship in mental healthcare institute
  • Three-month chronic care internship in nursing home
  • STARtclass II: national training in emergency care
  • One day of training at the institute a week or every two weeks, depending on internship
  • Largely individual program, fixed group for each internship
  • Exemptions for an internship can be applied for depending on experience.

Year 3 uitklapper, klik om te openen

  • General practice internship
  • One day of training at the institute a week
  • In-depth knowledge of all themes' of the profession of general practitioner
  • Greater focus on differentiation (room for electives)
  • Increasing independence and room for own interpretation of working as a general practitioner
  • National course Preventive Care
  • Fixed group

Curriculum uitklapper, klik om te openen

The curriculum is divided into the ten themes of the national education plan and five competency lines. All subjects covered are part of either a theme or a line, and sometimes of both. All themes' are addressed during all three years of the program, but the degree of difficulty of the themes' will increase over the years. The level of direction during the program will become more and more casual, appropriate to the phase, learning style and independence of the postgraduate student.

The curriculum was renewed in 2018 and will be revised in 2020.
Curriculum of Utrecht General Practice Training Institute

Practical education uitklapper, klik om te openen

Postgraduate students learn and work in practice for four days a week. The program focuses on practical learning, and education at the training institute supports this. The new curriculum clearly details how learning in practice can be related to learning at the institute. The key professional activities (KPAs) from the national education plan have been translated into concrete action perspectives that can be used during practical learning.

Differentiations uitklapper, klik om te openen

At the end of the 2nd or during the 3rd year, you can attend an individual competency broadening program of 6 weeks to 6 months. You will be free to select a differentiation module based on your personal interests. The choice of subject must be relevant to general practice care and must be organizationally feasible for the institute.

See the website of the Netherlands General Practice Training Institute for an overview of all national differentiations.
The Utrecht General Practice Training Institute organizes the differentiations Diabetes Mellitus, Education and Science.

Education for students requiring extra time uitklapper, klik om te openen

A number of postgraduate students may require extra time to finish the program after the 3rd year because they studied part-time or because of pregnancy leave. They draw up an IDP, an Individual Development Plan. Education in this last part of the program is customized to the individual postgraduate student.If the extension is more than four weeks and less than three months, study takes place in a flex group that meets for three hours once every two weeks. Postgraduate students who require more than three months extra time are placed in a regular third-year group.

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